Be Their Anchor: How to Help College Students with Mental Health Issues

Be Their Anchor: How to Help College Students with Mental Health Issues

The transition to university is a monumental shift for many, characterized by new environments, responsibilities, and social circles. It’s a period teeming with excitement, yet, it’s also a time when many students encounter stress, anxiety, and other mental health challenges. The landscape of mental health at universities is complex, influenced by academic pressures, personal growth,…

The Science Behind Behavior Change: What You Need to Know

The Science Behind Behavior Change: What You Need to Know

Change is inevitable; life’s only constant. Whether change is happening to us, and we need to adapt, or we are setting out to shift habits, mindsets, and behaviors, change is within each of our grasp. The old adage “you can’t teach a dog new tricks” has no scientific basis. In fact, research shows that we…

How to Protect Your Mental Health During Finals Season

How to Protect Your Mental Health During Finals Season

These six strategies can help you get to the finish line in one piece. Finals are coming. The end-of-semester finish line is in sight, but there’s still a massive marathon to get through. The adrenaline of the final push when you’ve already been running all semester can be anxiety-provoking. As intense as it can be,…

Protecting Mental Health in College

Protecting Mental Health in College

7 insights from the therapy room to help you in the classroom The whirlwind of college demands at every level of study—from freshman year all the way to Ph.D. life—can feel excruciating. There’s the constant push. The perpetual state of adjustment. Never-ending checklists. Rare downtime. It’s like a Whac-A-Mole game—the moment a challenge or task…

Self-Care Isn’t Selfish or Superficial

Self-Care Isn’t Selfish or Superficial

Science shows that prevention is less costly than repair. Self-care might at first strike one as another pop-psychology buzzword in this Age of Anxiety, when burnout is being called the “new normal.” But science reveals its critical nature. Self-care is a regular, intentional process of devoting oneself to protecting and sustaining mental health. It is…

Why I Share My Own Mental Health Condition With My Students

Why I Share My Own Mental Health Condition With My Students

When disclosure becomes a moral responsibility, not a breach of boundaries. When I stepped into higher education a decade ago, I figured the same way I’d been trained to engage with patients in my therapy room would apply. Be the polished professional. Show students empathy-but limit any personal disclosures to a few vague hypothetical anecdotes….

Your Self-Care Sweet Spot

Your Self-Care Sweet Spot

One-size-fits-all for self-care falls short. Here’s what you can do instead. Everyone’s talking about self-care. We’re lambasted with motivational slogans, self-love memes, and feel-good tips that barely scratch the surface of what we’re up against. We’re sold templates for alleged relief: The Quick Fix Template: Do these five easy steps, and everything will be perfectly…